The Light & The Dark

"Hold your shadow in front of you. It can only take you down from behind."

Carl Jung, Jungian Theory

Everything that we do at Devine Timing is guided by Gaia, the Great Mother. In order to do that we have four pillars at the core of our offerings. In sanskrit these are represented by Vayu (Air), Agni (Fire), Apas (Water) and Prithvi (Earth).

Each Wisdom School Training element was born out of each of these pillars and intentionally timed around the seasons of nature.

Anthroposophically speaking, different energetics tend to naturally exist in each of natures seasons. For example; Spring represents hope/renewal/abundance, Summer represents highs/lows/extremes, Autumn is about embracing change and reflection, and Winter is the turning in and often represents stillness and quiet. We endeavour to work with these energetics in each of our training elements to support all of our work to its highest possibility.

It is our experience that in order to truly serve from our most authentic being, we must honour and embrace all four elements and each of their energetics, to truly appreciate our humanness and that of others.

Wisdom School is our offering in this embodiment journey.

Element Three (Prithvi/Earth)

The Light & The Dark

Prithvi is a Sanskrit word meaning earth or vast one. The "Rig Veda" refers to the Hindu goddess of Earth as Prithvi, who is a representation of feminine energy. It is also representative of the Earth Mother, that which holds it all. As human beings we hold both light and dark and so this Prithvi/Earth element became the inspiration for this training module.

  • Release outlived traumas through gentle therapeutic practices, manifestation of your essence and greater connection with the outer realms

  • Get clarity around your wounding, triggers and capacity for healing in order to meet yourself and others in times of challenge

  • Explore self-care practices for your systems to keep your channel clear and your body well resourced

  • Nurture your belief in your psychic channel so that you may better serve yourself and others